Eligible participant is a 16-18 year old youth who is attending high school. In order to register the competition, participants should form a team of up to 10 eligible students and provide all names and birthdates of the team members. Ideally, the team should possess a broad range of complementary skills and knowledge in areas such as science and technology, business, marketing and communication. You competition starts when you form your team! Please remember that the max number of teams from each country is three in 2016. If you have more than 3 teams in your county, please organize your national competition and choose the best one (1 to 3 teams) for ISEC registration. Each team must have an adult coordinator who can be the Host organization’s point of contact for the team.
Challenge will be announced at 8:00 on June 11, in 2016 on line, and the registered teams will have 12 hours in which to conduct research, come up with a solution, produce a prototype, then, present its idea in the form of a written submission (business plan) and a 3-minute video. Please note that all written reports and video presentations submissions must be in English. An international board of judges will assess the submissions and determine the winners.
2016 Rules and Guidelines
■Eligibility:High School students , age 16 to 18 years old on June 11Each team should consist of up to 10 eligible students
Only one team is acceptable from the same high school or organization
*3 teams are max number of each country' participation. If you do not have a
national coordinating organization which selects representative teams, the first 3
entries will be registered. So please register early.
■Competition Date: 8:00am -20:00, June 11, 2016 *
*Participating team will be allocated to one of the following three time zones.
Asia / Pacific region : Japan Standard Time (JST) UTC+9 hours
Europe / Middle East/ Africa region : Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) UTC+3hours
The America region:North American Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) UTC-7hours
■How to join: ISEC competition will be held on line. You can join anywhere as long as you have an access to the internet. You will receive the challenge via e-mail, and submit the business plan and Youtube URL address of presentation video via e-mail.
■Registration Deadline:May 15, 2016
■Registration Fee:100US dollars per team
You can either use PayPal or send the money on the following bank account.However, if you are paying through the bank, please make sure how much you nee for the transaction fee and pay its charge on your side.
Bank Account:Kyoto Bank:0158 (Swift code: BOKFJPJZ ) Brunch name :Fuchomae:122
Account Number :Ordinary deposit account: 4089832
Account holder name :Center for Entrepreneurship Development
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■Judging: All teams must nominate 1 to 2 judges to join ISEC. The judges can be entrepreneurs, business professionals, scientist, or persons from academia. They do not necessarily need to have a business background, but it is ideal for them to have an working experience and know how the business is operated at a company, etc.
■Submission:Each team must produce the following in response to the challenge :
1) Business Plan Summary maximum 2 pages, single space, minimum size font 10 pt.
2) Three-Minute Oral Video Presentation
3) 3D prototype model of your product or business idea (handmade or digital image)
*You need to include this into your oral video presentation.
■Support:Each team should have an adult admininstrator or guardian who is responsible for the participation and safety. The administrator/guardian can encourage and motivate the team, but they can not involve in the teams' discussion nor direct their ideas.