A participant must be enrolled in a high/secondary school and be between the ages of 14 and 18 years on the day of the competition. Each team should consist of up to 8 eligible students (with a minimum of 3 students). Members of a team can be from different schools, but they all need to study in the same country. In the GYEC competition, each country is represented by a maximum of three teams. We do not accept applications from teams composed of members from different countries.
2.Preliminary Round
The Preliminary Round is designed to determine the national teams of countries that have not undergone the selection process in their home countries. Based on the scores achieved during this session, up to three teams representing your country will be selected.
Throughout the Preliminary Round, you will engage in a 12-hour competition following the same time schedule as the Final Round. (If you complete your required submissions before the deadline, you can finish the competition in less than 12 hours.)
If you are NOT from Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia or Mongolia where representative teams are selected through national competitions, you must participate in this Preliminary Round.
3.Venue and how to participate
All teams should arrange a suitable venue for participating in the 12-hour online challenge. We encourage team members to gather and work in the same physical location. However, depending on your country's situation, you can opt to gather online using remote conference apps.
In either case, you need to ensure reliable internet access and email capabilities to participate in the online challenge. All team members should work together for the full 12-hour duration of the competition.
In order to accommodate the time differences for participating countries, at both the Preliminary Round and the Final Round, participating teams are assigned to 5 different time zones. Please verify your team's designated time zone on the schedule sheet, which will be sent to you by the organizers at a later date, before the competition begins. All winner announcements will be made in Japan Standard Time (JST).
Each team must submit the following items:
1) Two team photos in which we can confirm all of the member’s participation.
*If your team gathers online, please send a screenshot of the video meeting with everyone.
2) A 2-page business plan, single-spaced, with a minimum font size of 11 pt.
3) YouTube link for the 3-minute presentation video featuring a 3D prototype model of the business idea.
4) A post-competition questionnaire: All team members must answer the questionnaire after the competition. This serves to confirm each member’s participation.
The challenge will be announced online at 8:00 on the day of the competition, and the registered teams will have 12 hours to conduct research, devise a solution, create a prototype (a sample 3D model of the proposed idea), and present their idea in the form of a written submission (a business plan) and a 3-minute video. Please note that all written reports and video presentation submissions must be in English and their content must be your original.
*Important Rules: You cannot use others' ideas and works (digital images, illustrations, audio clips, movies, photos, design, etc.), including copyright-free, royalty-free or AI made materials. You need to create them on your own. Please be aware that using someone else's creation will result in disqualification for your team.
Usage of Generative AI: Participants are allowed to use generative AI to organize thoughts, discover new perspectives, or find examples for effective expression. However, directly incorporating the output of generative AI as part of your business plan or presentation video is prohibited. The use of images and videos created with AI-integrated software is also prohibited..Please be aware that AI-generated information may not always be accurate and could potentially involve the use of copyrighted material. Use generative AI responsibly and adhere to ethical standards.
We only allow registered students to participate in the competition. However, if team members gather together in one place (not online), the team must be supervised by an adult who is responsible for the students’ participation and safety. The supervisor does not have to stay with the students at all times during the competition, as long as he/she ensures that the team members comply with the rules and other requirements. The supervisor can encourage and motivate the team, but is not allowed to advise, or be involved in the team’s discussion, nor direct student’s ideas. Students must work on their own.
6.Judging criteria
GYEC competing teams will be evaluated by an international judging panel. The evaluation is conducted in accordance with the following criteria. More detail information will be provided to registered participants directly.
1)Creativity and Innovation
2)Finance and Production
3)Marketing and Market Research
7.Certificate and Award
All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation, while the winner (1st prize) and the runner-up (2nd prize) teams will receive a trophy and an award certificate.